At the end of the 1990's, Peugeot, the French carmaker, also offered a mid-class coupe based on the popular 406 model - the 406 Coupe. The sleek vehicle with the body designed by Pininfarina had 2.0 I4 or 3.0 V6 engines, later also the turbo diesel HDi.
Kovový model tohto auta v mierke 1:18 vydala firma Gate v roku 1999. Gate bola jednou zo značiek koncernu Gateway Global, tou druhou bola UT Models a z nich neskôr vznikol AUTOart.
The diecast metal model of this car in 1:18 scale was released by Gate in 1999. Gate was one of the brands of Gateway Global, the other was UT Models and later thay became AUTOart.
Model je balený v papierovej krabici priskrutkovaný k podstavcu, vyzerá proporčne v poriadku, farba je ok, len na nárazníkoch má trochu iný odtieň. Medzery medzi otvárateľnými dielmi sú viac-menej rovnomerné. Všetky vonkajšie detaily sú na svojom mieste, aj keď ich vypracovanie je trochu jednoduchšie a na dverách chýbajú sklá.
The model is packed in a paper box, attached to the base with two screws, it proportionaly looks in order, the color is ok, only the bumpers have a little different shade. The gaps between the openable parts are more or less even. All the exterior details are in place, even though they are a bit simple and the glass in doors is missing.
Kolesá vyzerajú dobre, ich zavesenie však pôsobí chatrne, človek má strach, aby sa pri zaťažení neulomili...brzdám chýbajú strmene.
Wheels look good, but their suspension is fragile, I was afraid it will break if I put some pressure on it ... the brake calipers are missing.
Dvere majú dog-leg pánty, po ich otvorení vidno, že sa šetrilo farbou - kovové časti karosérie, ktoré zvonku nevidno, sú nastriekané len veľmi zbežne, takmer vôbec, to isté platí pre motorový priestor a batožinový priestor. Dvere sa tiež pohybujú veľmi ľahko a príliš dobre nedržia v žiadnej polohe.
The doors have dog-leg hinges, after opening, there is visible saving of paint - metal parts of the body, which are not visible from the outside, are only very briefly sprayed, almost not at all, the same applies to the engine and the luggage compartment. Doors also move very easily and do not hold well in any position.
Interiér je dosť detailný, celý čierny, jedinou výnimkou je nálepka s budíkmi, koberce alebo bezpečnostné pásy sa nekonajú.
V batožinovom priestore je tiež len čierny plast, jeho veko, podobne ako predná kapota, nedrží v otvorenej polohe.
The interior is quite detailed, all black, with the only exception being a sticker with tacho and speedometer, there are no carpets or safety belts.
The luggage compartment also is only black plastic, its lid, like the front hood, does not hold in the open position.
V motorovom priestore je priečne uložený vidlicový šesťvalec s výkonom 190 koní...teda jeho jednoduchý, ale celkom slušný model.
In the engine compartment, there is a transverse V6 engine with 190 hp ... well, its simple but quite decent model.
Podvozok je, samozrejme, čierny, okrem strieborného výfuku, detaily priemerné, predná časť pod motorom je zakrytovaná, vzadu vidno celkom dobre konštrukciu nápravy. Pruženie je funkčné.
The chassis is, of course, black except for the silver exhaust, the details are average, the front part under the engine is covered, the rear axle is pretty well represented. Suspension is functional.
Tento model je celkom dobrý, vzhľadom na to , že pochádza ešte z minulého storočia a už vtedy patril k tým lacnejším. Škoda mizerného zavesenia kolies, ostatné nedostatky vo vitríne nevidno...
This model is quite good, since it comes from the last century, and even then it was quite cheap. It's pity the suspension is so miserable, other deficiencies aren't visible in the showcase ...
Model bol v ponuke v štyroch farbách: žltá, červená, strieborná a modrá metalíza.
The model was offered in four colors: yellow, red, silver and blue metallic.
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