No, it's not a space body or an interplanetary vehicle ... Saturn has been one of America's GM brand names for about 20 years, designed for the US market, so it's almost completely unknown to us in the EU. It had to compete with small and economical Japanese cars, but was abolished around 2010 in the times of economical crisis.
Tento model je kupé verzia S-série a AUTOart ju vydal ešte niekedy v začiatkoch, keď sa menil z UT Models a Gate na AUTOart - model nemá ma podvozku logo Aa, ale Gateway Global. Aj krabica je podobná modelom Gate.
This model is a coupe version of the S-series and AUTOart released it sometime in the beginning, when it changed from UT Models and Gate to AUTOart - the model does not have Aa logo on the chassis, but Gateway Global. Even the box is similar to the Gate model.
Model má otváracie dvere a prednú kapotu, zvláštnosťou je, že na pravej strane má jedny dvere a na vodičovej strane ešte navyše jedny malé dvere, či skôr dvierka, ktoré sa otvárajú dozadu po otvorení predných dverí. Vyzerá to celkom zaujímavo a ani veľmi nevadí, že dvere majú nerealistické dog - leg pánty. Kufor sa ale otvoriť nedá...škoda.
The model has an opening door and a front bonnet, the speciality is, that it has one door on the right side and additional small door on the driver's side, that opens when the front door is opened. It looks quite interesting and I don't not really mind that the door have unrealistic dog - leg hinges. The trunk, however, can not be opened ... a pity.
Zlícovanie dielov je dobré, lak je bezchybný, svetlá a smerovky sú veľmi dobré, hlavne zadné, predné by mohli mať väčšiu hĺbku. V prednom nárazníku je pekná priechodná mriežka, v zadnom zase 3D nápis Saturn. Zadné sklo má znázornené vyhrievanie.
The fitting of the parts is good, the paint is flawless, the lights are very good, especially in the back, the front lights could have a greater depth. In the front bumper there is a nice see-through grille, in the back is the 3D Saturn inscription. There are heating wires shown in the rear window.
Kolesá sú pekné, striebornej farby, pneumatiky majú aj popis na bokoch, sú to Firestony. V kolesách sú aj aké-také kotúče, vpredu aj brzdové strmene. Model nieje odpružený.
Wheels are nice, in silver, tires have a description on the sides, they are Firestones. There are also kind of brake disc in the wheels, with calipers in the front. The model doesn't have working suspension.
Interiér je z tvrdého plastu, celý čierny, na podlahe je niečo ako tenký koberec, detaily sú veľmi slušné, prevodovka je manuálna...pásy niesú.
The interior is made of hard plastic, all black, on the floor is something like a thin carpet, the details are very decent, the gearbox is manual ... no seatbelts.
Keďže kufor nieje prístupný, pozrieme sa pod prednú kapotu, ktorá, ako býva dosť často zvykom u Aa (a Gate) modelov, nedrží v otvorenej polohe a treba ju niečím podoprieť. Nájdeme tam detailne zobrazený motor s príslušenstvom.
As the trunk is not accessible, we look under the front hood which, as is often the case with the Aa (and Gate) models, does not hold in the open position and should be underpinned by something. Here we find a detailed engine with accessories.
The chassis is made of black matt plastic, engine with gearbox, exhaust and its heat shields and part of the tank are silver, end muffler is chromed. Details are very good.
Zaujímavý a dosť nezvyklý model tzv. obyčajného auta - žiadne nudné Ferrari alebo Lambo - dosť detailne spracovaný, škoda len neotváracieho kufra.
An interesting and quite unusual model of the so-called plain car - no boring Ferrari or Lambo - enough detail, pity the trunk can't be opened.